005 -20SnP/ Tovar - Ambivalence
004-20SnP/ Oscillator - FeQuency
003-20SnP/ Lucien Jack - FantAciD
002-20SnP/ Bezaleel - VirGinity
001-20SnP/ Orfo lor - Chordeads
004-19SnP/ Bezaleel & Oscillator -The Linn waY
003-19SnP/ 19VASnP
002 -19SnP/ Caribbean - Encoding
001-19SnP/ Julez Cordoba - Heating Heart
007-18SnP/ Emilio coll & Bezaleel - Re+ assurance
006-18SnP/ Oscillator & Bezaleel - Wormhole
005-17SnP/ Caribbean - Just in the center
004-17SnP/ Bezaleel - To the right
003-17SnP/ Oscillator - Out Left
002-17SnP/ 17VASnP
001-17SnP Oscillator - Synthesizing